Sunday, April 4, 2010

Stop Hating The Virgin

Washington Post- American University students are demanding that the campus newspaper fire one of its columnists and issue an apology after publishing a column Monday that called date rape "an incoherent concept."
The column in The Eagle newspaper was written by Alex Knepper, 20, a sophomore political science major. Knepper wrote that a woman who attends a fraternity party, drinks more than five glasses of alcohol and follows a guy to his room is indicating that she is willing to have sex and should not "cry date rape" the next morning.
Knepper, who is openly gay, often writes on topics that infuriate students and hopes to someday be a political commentator. In an interview Monday he said that "real rape," which occurs when a stranger "thrusts sex into a non-sexual situation," is a heinous crime and rapists should be severely punished.
Not surprisingly, the column has already received more than 175 comments and several letters to the editor. Early Monday morning an unknown person or persons collected hundreds of copies of the paperfrom around campus and piled them in front of the student newspaper office, under a sign reading: "No room for rape apologists."
"I have a fun time stirring the pot," Knepper said in an interview Monday. "I don't mind being hated for my views."
Knepper and his editors are standing behind the column. Editor in chiefJen Calantone said she decided to publish the column because it would "foster an interesting discussion." The Eagle, which publishes twice a week, plans to print numerous letters to the editor and rebuttals to the column in its Thursday paper. Editors are also in the process of organizing a Thursday night forum so students can ask questions and share their opinions.

Okay, this is exactly why no one should listen to anyone in college unless they are telling you which bar has penny draft. This guy is obviously the least qualified person to write an article about sex. Straight or gay, this guy has never fucked anything . Only an unwilling virgin writes things like "Thrusts sex into a non sexual situation".  He cant possibly have anyone cool to hang around with and on the off chance I'm wrong and he has fucked a guy or girl, tell me with a straight face that you think he was any good at it.  And despite all of that, you fake posing womynists couldn't take one look at this pantywaist and laugh your collective vaginas off. If you chicks are still offended after seeing this video, then: a) It's been awhile since you had a nice stiff one in you, and b) You are not attractive, at least not to men. C'mon ladies, just look at him. He's like a wimpier Harry Potter but more AIDS'ey. He wrote an article about getting drunk, getting laid, having sex against your will. It be like if you girls wrote an article about Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, or the best quotes from Caddyshack, or math. I'm sure he got the idea for the article after watching the scenario on Law and Order: SVU and you ladies turned it into your cause of the week.

P.S. Is there a major in college that has produced a higher level of douchebags than political science?

P.S.S.  On a scale of 1 to 10- 1 being high on the couch watching Aliens and 10 being having your balls set on fire and then put out with golf cleats and rubbing alcohol- would you rate having to sit through that Thursday night "Opinion Share" Forum. I give it a 9.5.

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