Friday, February 26, 2010

No Matter How Much You Pray, They Still Hate You

When is Barack Obama gonna get it. Dude, the republicans hate you. This isn't some problem of communication between the two parties or a dispute that needs a mediator which, by the way Mr. President, is not your job. This is one party's battle in a 35 year old war to rid the US of democrats forever. And guess what, they're winning. With a Democratic president, and an overwhelming Democratic congress, they are winning.
Republicans only do two things. Protect the interests of the wealthy and get other Republicans elected. That's it. Anyone who gets in the way of that routine gets put through the Cuisinart of Fox News, right wing radio, and the red state blogs so as to immediately discredit them. They have no interest in playing with others because when it comes time to pass laws to give tax breaks to billionaires, or give corporations the same rights as a human fucking being while at the same time alleviating them of any responsibility for those rights, or to keep funneling our tax dollars toward the bloated military industrial complex, no one outside the party can be trusted. They are good at it, they have entire organizations and think tanks with the sole purpose of being more efficient at it. But our president thinks that with a little elbow grease and some old fashioned common sense, these folks will see how much we can do together when their entire brand and industry is built on the idea that you and your party are traitors who will destroy America.
Anthony Weiner has said that the Republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the insurance industry. As easy as that might be to believe this week, Congressman Weiner is being naive. They are a wholly owned subsidiary of corporations. Period. Even the senators who have no ties to insurance companies in their home state are fighting this bill like it's the Child Molesters Rights act. Why? Because like the Spartans in 300, if one shield falls, the phalanx is broken. The republicans strength is in their united front. So says one, so say they all. And you have to commend them on it, I mean how easy would it have been for a couple of GOP'ers to have worked out a deal with the white house and sell out their party? They would have had an open checkbook for their districts and spun it into political gold being hailed as the great uniters for the rest of their political careers. Not one broke ranks. Would Democrats have been so tough? Oh right, they were pussies and thanks to them we have two wars, tapped phones, and a Supreme Court that looks like the board of directors for Standard Oil. Their arguments are also audition for any other corporate donors out there. "Look how hard I'm fighting against sick people, I will fight this hard for you when you poison the groundwater!"
Yet, despite all of this, Obama thinks the answer lies in compromise.

And because Republicans will negotiate nothing with the President, lest they be seen as some kind of appeaser by their Tea Party mob, he ends up caving to everything. If he was smart, he'd use this debate to finally flip the switch come out and say "That's it! I gave it my all. I tried, but fuck you! You want to fight the fight for the companies? Well I'm gonna fight for the people and lets see who wins that election that way." Sometimes I wish we could get one fifth of this speech in real life.

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