Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mel Gibson Still Hates Jews

OK, I know he doesn't actually come out and say "The Holocaust never happened." but let's read between the lines. When the interviewer softly brings up the incident ("Mel Drunkenly asking the arresting officer "You're a jew, right?" ) and gives him a chance to just blow it off, Gibson lights up and gets in full crane position. I never seen BJ Penn this ready for a fight.
"I take it you have a dog in this fight?"
"Are you one of those dirty jews who was responsible for me having to spend the last 7 years in AA and anger management classes? Huh? Are you?!"
And Sam Rubin can cut the shit, okay? Don't lay down like a jobber when Mel says you don't know what you're talking about and then come on the news desk like it took everything you had to not whip his ass. Gotta love the sports anchor helping Sam lick his wounds. "You know, Sam, what you didn't say said more." Yes. It says you're dickless.

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