Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Scott Walker is the Governor of Wisconsin.  He must also be retarded. That's the only way I can figure out how a man took over as governor with a 127 million dollar surplus and in less than a year projects a 3.7 billion dollar deficit.  And then he expects anyone with an IQ over 50 to believe that what drove the state to this point of economic ruin is the teachers who get paid less than the kid who delivers "Grit".

This is the same bullshit that republicans always use to make laws nobody wants. They create a crisis out of thin air (i.e. We're broke, Iraq has WMD's, Al Qaeda has sleeper agents in the US) and then they draft legislation based on the absolute worst case scenario (Privatize Social Security, end unions, invade Iraq, tap your phone) which oddly enough never involves raising taxes on corporations or cutting defense spending.

The whole thing is a political litmus test for Republicans who are trying to A) Crush the last remnants of the labor movement in the US and B) Defund the largest contributors for Democrats. That's all this is. And if it works, be prepared to see every state with a Republican Governor and State legislator do the exact same thing.

But asking why this is happening is like asking why a shark attacks anything in distress. It just does, that's what it's made to do. It's in it's DNA. Republicans want two things and only two things. Cheap Labor, and no government oversight on business. Sure, they all have their little pet projects like outlawing abortion, deporting mexicans, mandating all fast food menus must offer "Freedom Fries" as an alternative, or making a picture of Jesus shooting a mexican while he has a bald eagle perched on his shoulder in front of a 9/11 background mandatory in every municipal building in the United States. But when you get down to the common thread between the Republican Alderman, to the oil lobbyist, to Mitch McConnell it's "protect the businesses at all costs".

So in that vein, I don't really blame them. They've been very clear for the last 30 years about what they want. What shocks me is how many middle class people are cheerleading this effort.

I guess it makes them feel good to rally behind conservative efforts. Like they're part of the country club too. Maybe they think that if they support the efforts of the super wealthy, one day they'll get a big "Thank You" prize in their mailbox from the Koch brothers.

Republicans have done a brilliant job of convincing every day Americans that whatever we're trying to get rid of doesn't concern you. Planned Parenthood? Sure, defund it. I'm never getting an abortion. I'm not in a union, aren't they all mobsters anyway? What do I care?  Go ahead and tap my phone, read my email while you're at it. I'm not a terrorist, what do I have to hide. 

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