Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hi. I'm a Dipshit.

Here's a guy who I thought was sharp, well spoken, cared about the fact that we as a society are moving toward all the money being in one tax bracket and the rest of us fighting over stale bread in Thunderdome. He was listed as one of People's 50 Most Beautiful. He had the sympathy factor with a son who had been killed in an auto accident and a wife who battles cancer as we speak. Even after a failed VP run and two unsuccessful Presidential campaigns, I thought this guy had something to offer.  A talking head in health care debates, spokesman for the poor, ally of the left. I actually met him once and he seemed pretty cool. Turns out he likes to fuck things that look like this:

Rule number one when having an affair as a public figure,  your mistress needs to be hotter and skinnier than your wife. That way, no matter what, at least the men will understand. And if your wife has cancer, you better be fucking Jessica Alba. Edwards, on the other hand not only stuck his dick in this, but went Antonio Cromartie style and ended up with another kid. A kid he payed his buddy to say was his. Now there's a sex tape. A-ha! A chance for Edwards to save some face with his manly video exploits. Maybe the tape will show JE seriously wrecking some shop Randy West-style, or that she's a real animal in the sack...... What's that? It just shows Edwards eating her box? Really? For like 30 minutes? Who video tapes themselves doing that? Anything else? Oh she's 8 months pregnant in the video? I think I'd rather watch Cake Farts (NSFW). Seriously.

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