Wednesday, February 3, 2010

LOST Commentary: Final Season- Episode 1

Okay, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm kind of into Lost. "Really, Chris? 6 out of your first 10 posts? No."  So every week I'll give my review because I want to and I'd like to get some good geek chat going in the comments. BTW, I talk about Lost in real time so if you're one of those losers who started watching it on Netflix two weeks ago, you might not want to read any further before you find out that the Man in Black/John Locke is the Smoke Monster. Oops, sorry.

I love where they went with this season. Getting us to be able to see what would happen if the plane never crash while simultaneously showing us what would happen if the bomb Juliet set off didn't work. A lot of people are already saying that the bomb caused two alternate realities. Poppycock! I say. The story line on the island is in "Lost Time" that is to say, the continuous story line we've been following since season one. The "Direct to LA" storyline is actually the future when the island cast figures out what to do to actually reboot the flight which is what will send the island to the bottom of the ocean. Brain hurt yet? Play through the pain.

I think doing the story this way is great. It brings back Charlie, Claire, Boone, even Frogurt without having to resurrect anybody. It also gives us something to watch while the Losties run around the jungle some more.

Questions Answered:
Is Locke the MiB? Yup. And also, apparently, the smoke monster.
Is Jacob dead? He seems to think so and say as much, So why should I doubt him.

The Jury's Out On:
Juliet being dead. (They did play the piano music, but now there's this new alternate reality/future(?) )
Sayid being dead or Jacob reincarnated?
Whether or not the MiB really the bad guy?

New Questions:
Who are the new super-others?
Are Richard and Ben really in uncharted territory?
Why does the island sink?
When will Kate take her top off again?


1 comment:

  1. If Jacob is dead, how is he in his own body after the fact, and not anothers? Especially if his body were burned. He's not dead.
