He's the guy who will be posterizing your basketball squad next year.
I tell ya, I haven't been this happy about an 18 year old's decision since my prom date decided to try Peppermint Schnapps. NC State just landed it's biggest recruit in 9 years. And to make it even sweeter, we nabbed him from Kentucky. Eat a Dick, Cal ! Coffee is for closers. Now go find some other kid to hand cash to and take tests for. Hope you like this tune because you're gonna be hearing it all the way through March, and if you happen to ring my doorbell. Oh, just FYI, turning the volume down on the top video while turning the volume up on the video below will maximize your hard-on.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Why On Earth Do I Watch The NFL Draft?
Sometimes, I curse my manliness. Yes, the sheer volume of my testosterone and my overpowering good looks have done nothing but set me into a blessed life of one extremely cool fun day after another. But to all of you nutless half men out there who look at me and say "God, who I wouldn't strangle to live a day in his shoes." I say, slow your roll. There are definite drawbacks. For one, I get looked at like some country bumpkin in NYC every time I order Budweiser in one of these half lit, velvet cushioned, trance music playing, metrosexual catering, self adoration rooms that so often get confused for a bar. "I'm sorry sir, we only have Something that costs 11 dollars a glass, and a beligian huckleberry honey wheat ale." They'll barely get out of their mouth before I grab the bartender by his popped collar and bark, "If I wanted a wine cooler I would take one from your mother's fridge after I....." and then I am escorted out by a man much more manly then myself, ruining my wife's birthday party, and having to hear her confuse my manliness for selfishness and being an asshole. I don't fault her, to the untrained eye, real brass ball manliness can often be mistaken for "being a dick". No harm no foul. The other drawback is having to sit though things like the NFL Draft.
This event is so full of shit from top to bottom. Every year guys like Mel Kiper Jr., Joe Theismann, and Chris Berman spend hours analyzing potential draftees, team needs, 40 times - which only come up during the Raiders selections because Al Davis still thinks track stars win football games- and combine results, only to be DEAD WRONG 80% of the time. But because my lizard brain has been programmed to associate this circle jerk as a legitimate part of the NFL season, I have to pop open a cold one and listen to these blowhards talk about what a difference maker Darrius Heyward-Bey is. or how Tim Tebow's mechanics are a nightmare for any NFL coach, but his "it" factor might be something a GM is looking for. Hmmm, the "it" factor you say. That wouldn't be some vague bullshit you through in there to avoid saying that everyones favorite bible salesman is a shitty QB who will never take a snap in the NFL but will have a great smile holding the clipboard and organize your team's charity drives is it? No? OK, just checking.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Movie Review: Kick Ass
Two words: Fuck Yeah! I only ask two things from movies, a great character somewhere in the film, and for the movie to provide enough story that I get lost in it. That's it. Yet for the most part those Studio dipshits keep churning out bloody stool like Meet The Spartans and whatever abortion Jennifer Anniston and her contractually obligated companions will be in.
Kick Ass is a movie about the comic book launched- concurrently with the making of the film-under Marvel Comics' Icon label by Mark Millar. Dave Lisewski is a loser. And not just your run of the mill unpopular in high school type. He's not smart, or interesting, he jacks off all day to his english teacher. Then he thinks the thought anyone whoever read a comic thinks, "Why can't I become a super hero?". He tries, and fares as well as anyone with no combat training and no physical strength would fare and ends up in the hospital needing severe rehabilitation which also gives him nerve damage allowing him to take a tremendous beating without feeling much pain. Now even though that is a lame superpower, it was a bit of a cop-out as that was a power none the less. Anyway, on his second attempt he fights a little better causing his attackers to just give up in frustration all while being caught on camera phone. His you Tube video gets 22 million hits, and a superhero is born.
One Shark, Jumped

Good lord, does this season suck or what? Simon's obviously counting down the days till he can get the hell out, Ryan Seacrest cant stop saying record needle scratch producing weird shit (Needlessly shitting on Brian Dunkleman while he's trying to get his glory hole business off the ground was just plain fucked up.), And Kara cant fill the shoes of a pill addict. If I hear her tell one more contestant how disappointed she is because they're missing "that swagger" I swear I will stop beating off to her in that Allure magazine spread. You think I'm bluffing, Kara? Well roll the dice and take your chances honey. I never bluff!
Add all that to the fact that they've recruited some of the most godawful talent in the 9 seasons AI has been on the air, and you have a recipe for a real shit storm. I mean, they've got it so fucked up this year that the front runner looks like a Nashville Star reject. Yeah Bowersox is good, but do you really see anyone giving this reaction if she loses? Yeah, it's still the most watched show in America, but deep down in places America doesn't want to talk about the feeling is that if AI was a running back it would be turning 32 and going to play for the Jets.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Teen Lesbian Gets Sent To Fake Prom
Constance McMillen, her date and just a handful of others, including two classmates with learning disabilities, attended the dance in Fulton, Mississippi while most of her other classmates from Itawamba Agricultural High School reportedly partied at a separate prom that McMillen was not invited to.
McMillen made headlines just a few weeks ago when, with the help of the ACLU, she fought the school's decision to cancel prom. The school canceled the dance after McMillen sought to bring her girlfriend and to wear a tuxedo.
As part of a preliminary ruling, a judge decided that McMillen was allowed to bring a girl as a date. The judge did not order the school to reinstate the prom because it was understood that McMillen would be invited to a prom being held by parents of her Itawamba classmates. Instead, that prom was canceled and was replaced with the sparsely attended country club event.
Kristy Bennett, the ACLU's legal director for Mississippi, told NEMS360, that she was disappointed.
"Whatever we find will be brought to the court's attention," Bennett told NEMS. "Whether it is in the damages trial, or whatever. There will still be a trial on the merits. The case didn't end in the preliminary hearing." McMillen, 18, said that her feelings were hurt, but that there was at least one good thing about the night. The Advocate: Two students with learning difficulties were among the seven people at the country club event, McMillen recalls. "They had the time of their lives," McMillen says. "That's the one good thing that come out of this, [these kids] didn't have to worry about people making fun of them [at their prom]."
Look Constance, you live smack dab in the smallest minded State in the Union. Across the tracks from Cornpone Hick Station in the corner of Shitkicker Valley. No one is happy there. And I know it sucks having not only the entire school, but their parents give you the "Constance, This is Mohammed, Juggdish, Sidney and Clayton." treatment. But drop the ACLU shit. You've already won. After a prank this shitty, you have the perfect excuse to never go back. Plus, your best days are ahead of you. You're already out of the closet. No speech to your parents, or spending your first semester in college experimenting. You get to hit the ground running from the first day you step on campus as a full fledged gay woman. You're life is about to be one big Indigo Girls concert.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Stop Hating The Virgin
Washington Post- American University students are demanding that the campus newspaper fire one of its columnists and issue an apology after publishing a column Monday that called date rape "an incoherent concept."
The column in The Eagle newspaper was written by Alex Knepper, 20, a sophomore political science major. Knepper wrote that a woman who attends a fraternity party, drinks more than five glasses of alcohol and follows a guy to his room is indicating that she is willing to have sex and should not "cry date rape" the next morning.
Knepper, who is openly gay, often writes on topics that infuriate students and hopes to someday be a political commentator. In an interview Monday he said that "real rape," which occurs when a stranger "thrusts sex into a non-sexual situation," is a heinous crime and rapists should be severely punished.
Not surprisingly, the column has already received more than 175 comments and several letters to the editor. Early Monday morning an unknown person or persons collected hundreds of copies of the paperfrom around campus and piled them in front of the student newspaper office, under a sign reading: "No room for rape apologists."
"I have a fun time stirring the pot," Knepper said in an interview Monday. "I don't mind being hated for my views."
Knepper and his editors are standing behind the column. Editor in chiefJen Calantone said she decided to publish the column because it would "foster an interesting discussion." The Eagle, which publishes twice a week, plans to print numerous letters to the editor and rebuttals to the column in its Thursday paper. Editors are also in the process of organizing a Thursday night forum so students can ask questions and share their opinions.
Okay, this is exactly why no one should listen to anyone in college unless they are telling you which bar has penny draft. This guy is obviously the least qualified person to write an article about sex. Straight or gay, this guy has never fucked anything . Only an unwilling virgin writes things like "Thrusts sex into a non sexual situation". He cant possibly have anyone cool to hang around with and on the off chance I'm wrong and he has fucked a guy or girl, tell me with a straight face that you think he was any good at it. And despite all of that, you fake posing womynists couldn't take one look at this pantywaist and laugh your collective vaginas off. If you chicks are still offended after seeing this video, then: a) It's been awhile since you had a nice stiff one in you, and b) You are not attractive, at least not to men. C'mon ladies, just look at him. He's like a wimpier Harry Potter but more AIDS'ey. He wrote an article about getting drunk, getting laid, having sex against your will. It be like if you girls wrote an article about Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, or the best quotes from Caddyshack, or math. I'm sure he got the idea for the article after watching the scenario on Law and Order: SVU and you ladies turned it into your cause of the week.
P.S. Is there a major in college that has produced a higher level of douchebags than political science?
P.S.S. On a scale of 1 to 10- 1 being high on the couch watching Aliens and 10 being having your balls set on fire and then put out with golf cleats and rubbing alcohol- would you rate having to sit through that Thursday night "Opinion Share" Forum. I give it a 9.5.
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